Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I have not updated my blog for some time, as I have been in a "writer's slump" for a few months. I made some nice sales over the summer, but since then, I've done very little marketing. It seems that I have exhausted most of my marketing ideas, some of which involve many hours of work for very little return. Schools and stores have both been hit hard by the economy and are not buying much. I've covered the library market in the western states. My ideas for a third book have not been exactly compelling, and again, knowing the budget woes of my primary markets--schools, bookstores and libraries--I wonder if I should even pursue that project. I've been struggling with guilt feelings.

However, in the past week or two, a half-dozen things "happened" that have recharged my writer's batteries. What a coincidence, huh? Actually, as a Christian I don't believe in coincidence; the Bible says that everything in my life is in God's hands, and it's true I had been talking to Him about my attitude.

A few months ago I read something about book trailers being a great way to publicize and market your book. I looked at one or two and thought, "Whoa! How on earth would you even make something like that? Forget that idea!" And I did.

Then a couple of weeks ago, I received an e-newsletter that talked up the importance of book trailers and included a how-to. Now I was more curious. I googled a few more how-to's, looked at more trailers to get ideas, and decided that maybe I could do this after all.

I love using my many photos in connection with my book, and I found some free music. It didn't take too long, and it was fun! As I wrote in an earlier post, it was much like working a jigsaw puzzle--you locate some interesting pieces, you move them around and try different things until it starts to look right. You find other pieces that seem to go with them. When those last pieces come together, it's such a satisfying feeling!

Here's what I came up with:

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